Politics of Failure.
After the mortgage crisis that caused a lot of people to loose their homes here come the 3 candidates with their half-ass solutions.
McCain: Let the market sort it out. More tax-cuts! Less regulation.
Clinton: Some regulation. Let's bail out the idiots who signed on loans the could not afford.
Obama: More regulation. In exchange will help the lenders, not the loaners.
The truth being said.
1. There should more regulation to those financial institutions that cook the books to keep investors happy.
2. Let financial institutions that dived into risky loans rot. It's called free market.
3. Let people who signed those ARM loans rot. It was in black and white. It's called a Contract.
The truth is that the loaners as well as the lenders gambled with their contracts predicting a future strong real state demand and equities. They loss. It's time to settle the bets.
The difference between and investment and a gamble is your willingness to lose that that is paramount to you, your family and the nation.