Ron Paul, Ross Perot revisited.
Most of us suffer of politics fatigue. We hear the same drones going on and on doing the same repertoire for decades. The spin, the positioning, the media antics and so on.
We are just tired.
I am even tired of the third wheel candidate. You know, the candidate that splits one political party and ends handing over the victory to the opposition.
The 2 names the come to mind are Ralph Nader and Ross Perot.... freaks!
For 2008 it appears we have another third wheel on the making.
TX Congressman Ron Paul.
I gave a quick glance to his platform because I liked the fact that he opposes the war and the ill-conceived tax scheme of the last 8 years.
Then, I find out that he wants to abolish citizenship for babies born in American soil from illegal immigrants to remove that incentive from immigrants.
Talk about a tough cookie. Baby, go home!
What's next? Id bracelets for toddlers at the daycare center? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
I flat out have been disenfranchised in 2008 since there is no viable candidate there in my view that:
a. Opposes the war in Iraq (get ALL the troops out now!)
b. Supports Illegal Immigrants with Amnesty.
c. Supports Open Borders.
c. Fiscal Conservative.
Not even in West Wing! Oh Well.