Team Dynamics:
By Javier Isassi.
The Firehose.
Symptom: An automated system is cranking out work. Some people call it the firehose.
Team members brace for impact and try to survive each iteration. If you
survive expect the firehose to direct extra seconds your way.
If you expect sympathy for the daily crisis of anxiety, Don't.
Pros: Lot's of punishing hours, if you are into that kind of stuff.
Cons: Don't expect to make friends here. Prepare to feel lonely.
The Bandidos.
Symptom: All team members are in for the gig but reasons are mostly
Not everybody is vested on success, or rather success has
different meanings for each member. The leader/s know the
bandidos are not to thrust, and the sentiment is mutual.
Pros: Lots of action and lessons to re-tell on next town, if you don't get shot first.
Cons: You got shot! By the leader! Nothing personal.
The Duke/Duchess of York.
Symptom: The Duke (tech lead) is angry, or happy, how knows? There is no end to this malaise.
Team members don't know what to expect because the twist and turns of goals make
no sense. As such is hard to tell who is actually doing any work? What's work has
to do with a broken heart?
Pros: If your skills are not up to par, you may survive well here, smile!. You'll do just as well as the most competent member when the Duke is happy.
Cons: If The Duke/Duchess is angry at you, start packing.
The Mercenaries.
Symptom: Highly skilled, highly motivated and of course, highly paid, the mercenaries will
ensure your problems are taken care of. Beware, you are not part of a team. You are expected to be armed and ready at the evac point on time or being left behind waiving in the runway.
Pros: A good choice for those who find all emotions disruptive.
Cons: Like all mercenaries you will, for sure, will be left behind waiving in the runway.
The Cats.
Symptom: They do nothing, they are cute, and get paid well. If you are one of them you won't
even notice your team members actions or presence. If you are not, you'll shoot yourself
in madness. What's the point of anything?
Pros: Lot's of attention. Lot's of treats.
Cons: Nothing gets done. Occasional hissing.